Clapton CAAC February 2016

Planning Applications for Clapton CAAC Thursday 18 February 2016


2015/4465 11 Kenmure Road E8 1JU Erection of a rear roof dormer extension and installation of 3 x rooflights to the front roof slope. (Evie Learman)

No objection to the rear dormer, but the three rooflights to the front roofslope exceed the two permitted by guidance without apparent justification. Additionally they bear no relationship to the existing fenestration. If reduced to two conservation-style rooflights, the application would be acceptable.


2015/4484 Ground floor flat 22 Stoke Newington Common N16 7ER Erection of single storey side/rear extension at ground floor level and associated external alterations (following demolition of existing extension). (Louise Smith)

The proposed glass box extends further an existing extension and would extend significantly beyond one neighbour's extension, and a little beyond the other neighbour's extension. The result is a bulk and scale that risks not being subservient to the host building. As a result the Clapton CAAC objects to the current proposal.


2016/0170 113 Lower Clapton Road E5 0NP Change of use from A3 (restaurant) to A5 (Hot food take-away) New shopfront, installation of compressor unit with louvre screening to single storey mono-pitch roof to rear elevation and existing rear doorway enlarged and new rear door. (Micheal Garvey)

No objection to the change of use but makes no judgment as to the detailed appearance of the new shopfront which we expect to see in a separate application for advertising consent.


2016/0266 10 Isabella Road E9 6DX Rear garden Hawthorn - reduce to 2 to 3 ft below previous points and remove ivy to fence level. (Nick Jacobs)

No comment.


2016/0294 56 Cazenove Road N16 6BJ Submission of details pursuant to condition 4 attached to planning permission 2014/0843 being front balustrade details (Sinead Normoyle)

Object strongly to the glass balustrade which in its incoherence, would be harmful to both the host building and the Conservation Area where the form of black painted railings prevail - especially on original Victorian stock.


2016/0339 36 Oldhill Street N16 6LB Erection of a two storey rear extension at basement and ground floor levels; insertion of front and rear lightwells associated with a basement excavation for additional living space; insertion of a new window to the rear at first floor level to replace existing windows; insertion of two rooflights to the front roof slope. (James Carleton)

On balance, the Clapton CAAC objects to the application.

The application is confusing and thin on detail. The front lightwell is appropriately small yet occupies almost the entire front garden. It is not clear why an additional entrance is needed via the front lightwell unless it is to create a separate dwelling which would be unacceptable.

There is scant detail of the front boundary - though if confirmed, the implied dwarf wall with railings is acceptable.

Changes to the floor/ceiling levels need clarifying to ensure none are below the tops of the windows. In any event, the lowering of the ground floor requires removal of the front step (and presumably a replacement door, which needs detailing), which is unacceptable as it destroys the established hierarchy and keeps the terrace uniform. Removal would harm both the host building and character of the conservation area.

The rear lightwell is acceptable in principle. Similarly, the rear extension, is acceptable subject to height and depth compliance with policy.


2016/0303 7 - 19 Amhurst Road E8 1LL Submission details pursuant to condition 13 (internal noise levels) attached to planning permission 2013/1958 dated 28/03/2014 (Toyin Omodara)

No comment.


2016/0343 The Bakehouse Brett Passage E8 1JR Submission of details pursuant to the discharge of conditions 5 (Implementation of Remediation Scheme) and 6 (Submission of Remediation Scheme) attached to planning consent 2015/3069 dated 16/10/2015. (Evie Learman)

No comment.


2015/4639 35 Ickburgh Road Hackney E5 8AF Conversion of single family dwelling house to three residential units (2 x 3 bed), erection of a single storey rear extension at lower ground floor level to the rear and associated works. (Nick Bovaird)

The Clapton CAAC questions the principle upon which the application is made. It is our understanding, from previous applications for a smoking shelter, that the current use class was C3(b) - being a hostel with an element of care - and not C3(a) as suggested.

Provided the issue of current use is resolved and any change of use is compliant with policy, the Clapton CAAC has no objection.


2015/4511 Fountayne Lodge 13 Fountayne Road N16 7EA Front Garden: Acacia - thin crown by 20% and remove deadwood (Nick Jacobs)

No comment.


2016/0450 197 Block 197-203 Evering Road E5 8AN London Plane T1: remove basal epicnormic growth, up to 1m form ground level; London Plane T2: removal basal, epicormic growth up to 6m above the ground level, sever and remove ivy from the trunk. (Nick Jacobs)

No comment.


2016/0353 Flat A 243 Evering Road E5 8AL Rear garden hazel, reduce to a height of 2m. (Nick Jacobs)

No comment.


2016/0321 52 Brooke Road N16 7RX Loft extension including raising of ridge height and introduction of 4No. rear dormers and 4No. roof lights to facilitate introduction of additional residential unit. For the purposes of consultation only: Existing accomodation (sic) comprises: 1No. one bed flat, 2No. three bed flats and 1No. four bed flat. Proposed accommodation comprises: 2No. one bed flat, 2No. three bed flats and 1No. four bed flat. (Nick Bovaird)

As the applicant recognises, the Brooke Road elevation "is an amalgamation of different eaves heights". However the assertion that they "detract from the overall perception of the streetscape, making it look somewhat untidy and disorganized" is perhaps an odd point to make considering the application does little to improve it. Whilst there are some disappointing fenestrations and boundary treatments in the existing elevations, changes to these are not part of the proposal.

The raising of the ridge might normally be unacceptable, but in this case would bring the ridge in line with the Brooke Rd neighbour. The current ridge is already substantially above the ridge line of the long Rectory Road terrace. In these exceptional circumstances, provided there is a good brick and mortar match with existing, and no further intensification of the off-road car parking, the application is acceptable.

The applicant should be encouraged to lower the front boundary wall and install a railing to further enhance the streetscape, the tidiness of which they rightly bemoan.


2016/0359 Footpath on west side of Lower Clapton Road, north of junction with Goulton Road, E5 8TR Prior approval application for installation of a 12.5m high straight pole with wood effect finish housing 6No. antennas within a shroud, and installation of 1No. equipment cabinet and works ancillary thereto (Catherine Slade)

The Clapton CAAC find the location of the monopole acceptable though would benefit from cyclehoops or similar attachments to turn the obstruction in to a positive and useful addition to the footpath.

However we have serious concern as to the location and size of the cabinet, in an area that is already cluttered. The placement away from the kerb would have been acceptable (indeed preferable) if the other furniture were to be moved, but as it is, creates a slalom obstacle course. In addition the location may unduly affect development possibilities for the vacant car park behind.

Also of considerable concern is the "wood effect" finish to be applied to the monopole. It's hard to imagine how this would not seriously detract from the Conservation Area. At the very least samples and a visual should be provided or reserved by condition.


2016/0492 36 Benthal Road N16 7BX Erection of a single storey side/rear infill extension at lower ground floor level; erection of a new bay window to the rear at ground floor level; insertion of a 2 storey window to the side wall of the existing outrigger; enlarging an existing window; erection of a 2m high (at its highest point as measured from ground level within the proposal site) boundary wall and erection of a 1.5m wall/fence to the front elevation (following demolition of existing). (James Carleton)

No objection to the proposal save for the the height of the side extension and new boundary wall which are excessive and should be reduced to avoid being unduly oppressive and detracting from the character of the conservation area.


2016/0348 165 Brooke Road E5 8AG Erection of single storey extension at ground floor level, mansard roof extension at main roof level and erection of extension to the rear two-storey outrigger and associated external alterations. (Sinead Normoyle)

Although the proposed mansard is in a form that is broadly acceptable to the CAAC (being of limited visibility from the street, and preserving the butterfly roof), we note the Council has been particularly ruthless in refusing such applications where the original rooflines remain unbroken in a group - as they do here (e.g. 2015/4618, 2015/4147). To deviate from that policy in this instance would be perverse without strong justification.

If it is to be approved then the windows in the mansard should be aligned to the windows below.


2015/4630 44 Alconbury Road E5 8RH Erection of single storey extension at rear lower ground floor level, erection of rear dormer roof extension, and reconfiguration of basement/lower ground floor level including alterations to front lightwell. (Catherine Slade)

The Clapton CAAC is not sufficiently satisfied that the application is NOT gateway to subdivision of the property. The enlarged entrance to the "workshop" and in particular the separate gateway at the boundary (which also disrupts the rhythm of the front boundaries on the street), appear to indicate the creation of a separate unit. Some form of assurance and clear conditions should be secured, and ideally the extra boundary entrance removed, before permission is granted.

The rear dormer and side and rear extensions are acceptable in principle provided sympathetic materials are secured (in particular reclaimed brick for the side extension) or a 'materials to match' condition is attached.


2016/0502 115 Brooke Road N16 7RJ Submission of details pursuant to the discharge of Conditions 5 (Traditional Lightwell Surround) and 6 (Programme of archaeological work) of planning permission 2015/3672 dated 04/12/2015 (Nick Bovaird)

No comment.


2016/0484 Buccleuch House, Clapton Common, E5 9AN Submission of details pursuant to conditions 9 (Remediation Scheme) and 10 (Land Contamination measures) attached to permission 2012/3006 dated 05/12/12 (Gareth Barnett)

No comment.


2016/0187 140 Osbaldeston Road N16 6NJ Conservation Area Notification of works to trees in Northwold & Cazenove Conservation Area being a crown reduction to leave a height of 6m and a spread of 4m and pollarding to points 3m from main stem to 1No. Corkscrew Willow. (Nick Jacobs)

No comment.


This page was added on 31/05/2016.