Clapton CAAC January 2023

Planning Applications for Clapton CAAC meeting for 20 January 2023


2022/2455 Flank Wall, 187 Lower Clapton Road, E5 8EG Change of use from use a shop (use class E) to a takeaway (use class suis generis) together with the installation of an extraction flue. Full Planning Permission (James Clark)

The only doubt we have is noise nuisance. Otherwise Clapton CAAC has no objection.


2022/2891 7 Alconbury Road, E5 8RG Erection of single storey ground floor rear wrap around extension Householder Planning (Alishba Emanuel)

There is no D&A. Clapton CAAC has no objection


2022/3053 29 Alconbury Road, E5 8RG Installation of Air Conditioning units with associated enclosure Full Planning Permission (James Clark)

We wonder why a standard terracce house requires so large an A/C unit and wonder about noise nuisance. Otherwise Clapton CAAC has no objection


2022/2918 46 Alconbury Road, E5 8RH Replacement of existing clay slate roof tiles with new roof slate tiles. Full Planning Permission (Micheal Garvey)

Clapton CAAC has no objection


2022/2921 68 Amhurst Road, E8 1JH Replacement of existing windows together with roof coverings and rainwater goods. Full Planning Permission (James Clark)

Clapton CAAC has no objection


2022/2881 165 Osbaldeston Road, N16 6ND Erection of a hip to gable roof extension and a rear roof dormer extension Householder Planning (Danny Huber)

The inspector could not have been clearer. A hip to gable roof extension would be ‘incongruous’ and ‘would result in unacceptable harm to the character and appearance of … the Conservation Area’.

In our response to the first application – 2021/3117 – we, too, stated that as the end house in the terrace and clearly visible from Oldhill Street, it affects the setting of two Conservation Areas – Clapton Common and the Northwold and Cazenove.

The Application refuses to engage with the Inspector’s principal finding that from the ‘rear viewpoint the existing roof form provides a visual break between the row of terraces and the neighbouring flatted development which is of a differing height. The gap manages the transition between the neighbouring built form and this would be lost as a result of the proposed roof alterations. The sloping roof marks a distinct end point to the Victorian terrace and a transition to the 1950s block of flats. We cannot see any justification – aesthetic or architectural – to characterise the slope as ‘unsightly’ - nor is it either a ‘valley’ or a ‘ditch’. Rather, the roof slope makes the transition elegant and definitive. The proposed dormer itself will not mark a transition or a ‘visual gap’.

We share the conclusions in the Inspector’s Determination:

6 ‘The gap [between 165 and the block of flats] provides a visual break’ ‘The loss of visual gap … would then be combined with a full width dormer which would result in a complete loss of the rear roof plane.’

7 ‘The dormer would be entirely at odds with … the SPD’ ‘It is not normally acceptable to change the form of a roof, particularly … at the end of a terrace’

9 ‘I find it harms views within the CA’ It is ‘incongruous and detrimental to … the CA It ‘does not preserve or enhance the CA’

The Inspector’s Determination deals with the rear extension (2022/2882) to which we will make a separate submission though we contend that, taken with the outsize rear roof extension, the proposed rear extension could not be less subservient to the host building if it tried.

In paragraph 7, the Inspector states: ‘The proposals sadly seem to have taken little account of the guidance within the SPD’ – to which we would add that the Applicant has, sadly, taken little account of the Inspector’s Determination.


2022/2882 165 Osbaldeston Road, N16 6ND Excavation of basement and formation of a rear lightwell, erection of a part single and part two storey rear extension at basement and ground floor Householder Planning (Danny Huber)

This, like 2022/2881, follows the refusal of the Inspector of the appeal against the Council’s earlier Refusal.

We have three principal objections.

Firstly, the applicant, attempting to get round the SPD guidance on a three-metre maximum extension, has claimed that the lower ground floor is ‘subterranean’. This is patently not the case since, far from being underground, the Play/Storage area (drawing No OR.165.PR.204) shows a projection of five metres from the original house rear wall, three metres being used as the platform for the ground-floor extension and the remainder being very much in the open air and not under the earth. Beyond the five-metre lower ground floor, more of the garden is taken up with a light well and a set of steps.

Secondly, the height of the extension exceeds the three-metre norm as is clearly shown on the drawing.

Thirdly, the extension is full-width and is likely to block light from number 165 – as the Inspector has noted in paragraph 15 of the Determination.

In total, this is a massive extension which, together with the proposed roof alteration would, in visual terms, overwhelm the host building. In all these matters we concur with the Inspector who states: ‘Overall, I find that the proposed hip to gable roof extension and rear roof dormer would, as a result of scale, width, massing, design and siting appear visually incongruous and detrimental to the character and appearance of the host building and the CA.’


2023/0034 101 Osbaldeston Road, N16 6NP Excavation and extension of existing basement together with front and rear lightwells, replacement of front garage door with bay window, two-story rear extension to No 101 and No 103, and erection of new front boundary wall Full Planning Permission (Erin Glancy)

Clapton CAAC has no objection


2022/2982 Flat A, 87 Benthal Road, N16 7AP Erection of a single storey ground floor side infill extension, rear facade alterations, floor plan redesign and associated works. Full Planning Permission (Raymond Okot)

Clapton CAAC has no objection


2022/2920 40a Maury Road, N16 7BP Proposed replacement of existing slate tile roof with the installation of new felt, insulation, fascias, soffits, and new Natural Slate roofing finish. Replacement of existing rainwater goods, timber soffits and fascias with like-for-like replacements Full Planning Permission (Alishba Emanuel)

Clapton CAAC has no objection


2022/3015 31 Jenner Road, N16 7SB Change of one internal room to an additional HMO room. Full Planning Permission (Erin Glancy)

Clapton CAAC has no objection


2022/3057 48 Ickburgh Road, E5 8AD Removal of existing extension and replace with new single storey rear extension wrap around. Householder Planning (Jonathan Bainbridge)

The only drawing provided is a section. Clapton CAAC can make no comment.

This page was added on 28/01/2023.