Dalston CAAC July 2019

Planning Applications for Dalston CAAC meeting for 2 July 2019


2019/1573 The Kingsland 37-39 Kingsland High Street E8 2JS Single storey rear extension; alterations to internal stair from ground to first floor. (Jeni Cowan 020 8356 1371)

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2019/2013 59-61 Kingsland High Street E8 2JS New ground floor rear extension and first floor "infill" extension to 59 Kingsland High Street. Amendments to basement layout and conversion of upper floors to provide four new residential units (use class C3) (2 x 1 bed and 2 x 2 bed) with new refuse and cycle storage and associated works. (Kim Aukett 020 8356 4740)

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2019/1785 48 Dalston Lane E8 3AH Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission 2014/1279 dated 10/09/2014 for: Application to vary condition 2 (development in accordance with approved plans) of planning permission 2012/1739 dated 15/08/12 comprising demolition of rear parts of existing buildings and erection of a part 4, part 5 storey building comprising commercial units (1029 sqm) on ground floor (class A1, A2, A3) and 44 residential units above. Variations comprise relocation of substation within the development, reconfiguration of layouts of flats and omissions of outdoor amenity space at rear third floor level, and enlargement of amenity spaces at first floor level to front elevation; NAMELY to convert 4 units (2 x 3 bed in Phase 1 and 2 x 4 bed duplexes in Phase 2) into 8 units (4 x studios and 4 x 2 bed). (Toyin Omodara 0208 356 8095)

We are puzzled that this is a variation, instead of a new application being required, as the works seem to be finished.


2019/1814 354 Queensbridge Road E8 3AR Change of use of front unit at ground floor level from retail (use class A1) to one bedroom self contained unit (use class C3) and associated shopfront alterations. (Alix Hauser 020 8356 6377)

It would harm the character of the building and terrace to convert the front ground floor to residential, better to retain as retail. The plans would provide poor amenity for residential use.


2019/2193 20 Dalston Lane E8 3AZ Display of 1 no. externally illuminated painted sign on existing fascia sign, and 1 no. externally illuminated hanging projecting sign. (Jeni Cowan 020 8356 1371)

Some original detailing looks to be in place for the shop front canopy, this needs to be safeguarded. More details are required to assess the appearance of the external illumination.


2019/2065 15 Dalston Lane E8 3DF Installation of new powder coated metal railings (1.5m high with 2.5m high end posts) positioned in front of the Dalston Peace Mural, which is painted on the west elevation of 15 Dalston Lane. (Gerard Livett 020 8356 8398)

We think the mural is in urgent need of protection, but the options should be explored more thoroughly. The railings may not wear well, and also will present a litter problem without frequent clearing out - effective maintenance of the space should be made a condition of any permission. Would some form of dense vegetation provide an equally effective barrier and reduce the potential for litter?


2019/2181 284 Queensbridge Road E8 3NH Alterations to the existing erected extensions to the rear ( ground and first floor) and work to the rear garden and associated internal alterations; replacement of the existing first-floor window; (Raymond Okot 020 8356 8080)

We leave this to the Conservation Officer for detailed examination.


2019/2192 284 Queensbridge Road E8 3NH Alterations to the existing erected extensions to the rear ( ground and first floor) and work to the rear garden and associated internal alterations; replacement of the existing first-floor window; (Raymond Okot 020 8356 8080)

We leave this to the Conservation Officer for detailed examination.


2019/1839 294 Queensbridge Road E8 3NH Erection of a single storey ground floor rear extension; alterations to the front and rear of the property involving front gate and railings, replacement of windows, removal and replacement of roof of the single storey rear extension, erection of timber privacy screen on top of existing brick boundary walls and other associated external and internal works. (Raymond Okot 020 8356 8080)

From the documents submitted most details look to be of sufficient quality for the character of the building and conservation area. We leave it to the conservation officer for a detailed examination.


2019/1849 294 Queensbridge Road E8 3NH Erection of a single storey ground floor rear extension; alterations to the front and rear of the property involving front gate and railings, replacement of windows, removal and replacement of roof of the single storey rear extension, erection of timber privacy screen on top of existing brick boundary walls and other associated external and internal works. (Raymond Okot 020 8356 8080)

From the documents submitted most details look to be of sufficient quality for the character of the building and conservation area. We leave it to the conservation officer for a detailed examination.


2019/1220 2 Stoke Newington Road N16 7XN Retention of change of use of premises from restaurant/cafe/hot food takeaway (Use Class A3/A5) to a bar (Use Class A4) (Louise Prew 020 8356 8613)

No conservation issues.


2019/1749 101 Dalston Lane E8 1NH Submission of details pursuant to condition 19 (Verification report) of planning permission 2017/1193 dated 18/07/2017 (Louise Prew 020 8356 8613)

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2019/2044 The Bootyard 18 Ashwin Street E8 3DL Submission of details pursuant to condition 4 (Control of Odours) attached to planning permission ref 2019/0446 dated 21/05/2019. (Jeni Cowan 020 8356 1371)

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2019/2099 Flat 5 19 Colvestone Crescent E8 2LG Discharge condition of planning permission 2014/1429 for: Replacement of existing top floor front and rear single glazed timber sash windows with double glazed timber sash windows (Kim Aukett 020 8356 4740)

Putty should be used with the conservation-grade new window units.


2019/2084 DUDLEYS Bakehouse 125 Kingsland High Street E8 2PB Change of use from retail (Use Class A1) at No.123 and restaurant (Use Class A3) at No.125 to bakery with seating area (Sui Generis) at both units. (Kim Aukett 020 8356 4740)

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This page was added on 06/08/2019.