Stoke Newington CAAC January 2018

Planning Applications for Stoke Newington CAAC Monday 8 January 2018

2017/2507 William Patten Primary School Stoke Newington Church Street N16 0NX Use of William Patten Primary School Playground as a farmers market with 40 stalls, of which no more than 4 will be hot food traders For the purposes of consultation, the food market would operate between the hours of 08:00 to 16:00 on Sundays (Catherine Slade 020 8356 8056)

We have no objection to the proposals.


2017/4820 18 Woodlea Road N16 0TH Front garden cycle store (Jeni Cowan 020 8356 1371)

We have no objection to the proposals.


2017/3455 1 Garnham Street N16 7JA Retrospective planning application for erection of two fan units above the roof of ground floor level to the rear; replacement of an old fan with three new fan units on the rear elevation and alterations to the rear door at ground floor level. (Sissi Yang 02083561352)

We object to this proposal. The placement of the additional plant is not acceptable and harms the character of the Conservation Area by virtue of its messy and prolific distribution, and its visibility. We might favourably consider an equivalent quantity of plant overall if it were consolidated into a purpose-built and carefully designed rooftop plant enclosure incorporating suitable noise mitigation and visual treatments.


2017/4817 180 Stoke Newington Church Street N16 0JL Shopfront alterations with a new awning, replacement of fascia sign with a fascia sign with hidden lighting letters at ground floor level, replacement of existing projecting sign at first floor level (Sissi Yang 02083561352)

This appears to be a retrospective application to retain the current signage as built. If that is the case then we find the design broadly acceptable but the intensity of the lighting is demonstrably too great and it should be limited by condition.

Additionally we note the shopfront windows are currently no longer functionally windows, but have become glazed advertising panels, for which we would object to any proposed application for consent on the grounds that they harm the character of the shopfront and Conservation Area.


2017/4848 5 High House Mews Stoke Newington Church Street N16 0EN Side courtyard to be filled in by a single-storey ground floor extension; approved glass roof of side extension to be lowered (Jeni Cowan 020 8356 1371)

In view of the proposal's location we have no objection.


This page was added on 09/01/2018.