Stoke Newington CAAC June 2021

Planning Applications for Stoke Newington CAAC meeting for 14 June 2021


2021/1458 97 Dynevor Road, N16 0DA Excavation of basement and creation of front and rear lightwells. Householder Planning (Alix Hauser)

No objection in regard to effect on CA but we note overdevelopment


2020/3507 Land At Wilmer Place, N16 0BJ Erection of a building of up to four storeys comprising 30 residential units (Use Class C3); and associated development including a landscaped courtyard, living roofs, car parking spaces and cycle and refuse stores. (For consultation purposes: This reconsultation is to highlight amended information in respect of the financial viability of the proposed scheme) (ALSO, FOR CONSULTATION PURPOSES: THIS IS A NEW APPLICATION SUBMITTED DUE TO I.T. ISSUES EXPERIENCED BY THE COUNCIL. COMMENTS SUBMITTED ON PREVIOUS APPLICATION/S CANNOT BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION). Full Planning Permission (Nick Bovaird)

We resubmit our comments on 2020/1462 Land at Wilmer Place N16 0BJ from July 2020 We support the submission of the Hackney Society Planning Group. In particular we identify the design improvements and recognize they need to be carefully implemented. We also lament the eradication of all light industrial and commercial uses on the site and recognise the value they once had to the local economy and in balancing the disbenefits of building so closely to the Abney Park Cemetery boundary.


2021/1730 The Castle Climbing Centre Green Lanes, N4 2HA Replacement of cast iron rainwater connectors with galvanised mild steel connectors Listed Building Consent (Gerard Livett)

No objection

This page was added on 14/06/2021.