A voice for Hackney since 1967

Links to local campaigns

Get involved in your neighbourhood

Open Dalston 

OPEN stands for Organisation for Promotion of Environmental Needs Ltd – a not-for-profit membership organisation. Their object’s are to promote excellence in the quality of the built environment, the provision of transportation and the provision of amenities, and to ensure the changes to these have proper regard to the needs of residents and businesses in Dalston. For more information email info@opendalston.net or log on to https://opendalston.blogspot.com/

Open Shoreditch

For more information email info@openshoreditch.net or log on to https://open-shoreditch.blogspot.com/

No Hackney High Rise

A proposed 19-storey tower is planned on London Lane near London Fields. For more information log on to https://www.nohackneyhighrise.org.uk

Manor Garden Allotments 

A campaign to save the Manor Garden Allotments, which were set up in 1900 by Arthur Villiers – a philanthropic landowner who co-founded Eton Manor Boys’ Club in Hackney Wick. The allotments have been relocated to Marsh Lane. They are campaigning to the be relocated on the Olympic site after the 2012 event. For more information log on to https://www.lifeisland.org/