A partnership project
A group of ten Hackney based organisations (inc. the Hackney Society) who share common goals around increasing the use and knowledge of the borough’s rich heritage and its built environment. We work together on projects which increase learning about Hackney’s diverse and rich heritage. For more information log on to www.discoverhackney.co.uk/
Here are contact details and links to the other partners:
Stoke Newington High Street, London N16 0LN
Tel: 020 7275 7557
Conserves Abney Park Cemetery and makes it accessible to the community
8 Orsman Road, London N1 5QJ
Tel: 020 7729 2011
A local education centre about East London’s built environment.
An online community resource for the African Caribbean community
Kingsland Road, London E2 8EA
Tel: 020 7739 9893
A museum of the home from around 1600 to the present day
43 De Beauvoir Road, London N1 5SQ
Tel: 020 7241 2886
Cares for the archives and local studies collections of the London Borough of Hackney, local organisations and businesses
The Round Chapel, 1d Glenarm Road, London E5 0LY
Tel: 020 8986 0029
A building preservation trust that has restored and found new uses for historic buildings in Hackney
1 Reading Lane, London E8
Hackney’s local museum
130 Hoxton Street, London N1 6SH
Tel: 020 7684 0060
A Victorian music hall used to bring together arts, culture and the local community
2 & 4 Homerton High Street, London E9 6JQ
Tel: 020 8986 2264 East London’s oldest family home.
Has a programme of community projects, creative activities, events and talks as well as an art gallery